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Cicadas The Loudest Insects Youll Ever Hear

Cicadas: The Loudest Insects You'll Ever Hear

Prepare for the Unforgettable Sound of Web Cicadas

Get ready for a symphony of nature as millions of web cicadas emerge from their 17-year slumber. These fascinating insects, known for their distinctive high-pitched songs, are preparing to make a grand entrance in the Eastern United States.

The Annual Hum

While cicadas can be found in various regions each year, periodical cicadas like web cicadas are unique in their synchronized appearance. They spend most of their lives underground, feeding on tree roots. But when the soil temperature reaches just the right point, these subterranean dwellers emerge in droves, creating a chorus that can be heard from miles away.

A Spectacle to Behold

The emergence of periodical cicadas is an extraordinary sight. As many as 15 million cicadas can emerge per acre, covering trees, shrubs, and even buildings in their quest for mates. Their transparent wings shimmer in the sunlight, adding a surreal touch to the natural spectacle.
